Joshua Bee


Pixelizer Thumbnail


📷 Take a photo and pixelize it!
Colour Palette Thumbnail

Colour Palette

🎨 OKLCH Colour Palette Generator
Pokémon Type Elo Thumbnail

Pokémon Type Elo

🔥🌴💦 Elo rating for Pokémon types
Colour Encoder Thumbnail

Colour Encoder

🔒 Program that takes text and encodes it as colours
Project Euler Thumbnail

Project Euler

📓 Collection of Project Euler puzzles
Translate Thumbnail


📝 Translates text into visually similar non-English characters
Pong Thumbnail


🎮 My own version of the classic arcade game Pong
Breakout Thumbnail


🎮 My own version of the classic arcade game Breakout
Photos Thumbnail


📷 Photo album of the 🐝 family
Fake Name Generator Thumbnail

Fake Name Generator

📛 Enter a name, returns an altered version


Hull Thumbnail

University of Hull

Master of Research in Computer Science
Hull Media

Worked on developing novel techniques to improve the efficiency of Generative Adversarial Networks, a framework of Artificial Neural Networks.

Nottingham Thumbnail

University of Nottingham

First Class Bachelor of Science with Honours in Mathematics
Nottingham Media

Modules undertaken include:

  • Applied Mathematics (88)
  • Calculus (88)
  • Differential Equations (70)
  • Linear Mathematics (86)
  • Modelling with Differential Equations (93)
  • Topics in Scientific Computation (79)
  • Vector Calculus (84)


Strawberry Thumbnail


Web Developer

Strawberry is a creative marketing agency working with the highest tier of Shopify and BigCommerce clients. As a web developer I am responsible for improving websites through upgraded functionality, performance enhancements and bug fixes.

  • Lead the development of several stores, including the Tottenham Hotspur BigCommerce store and the Scholl Shopify store.
  • Audited, planned and executed website performance upgrades to satisfy Google's Core Web Vitals metrics, enhancing user experiences and boosting SEO.
  • Rectified development processes to increase productivity and help the onboarding of new developers.
Herd Thumbnail


Senior Software Developer

Herd is a digital agency specialising in search marketing and ecommerce, with a specific interest in Shopify. As a senior software developer I was responsible for creating and maintaining Shopify Apps, RESTful APIs and services to solve many interesting problems.

  • Built agile development processes to allow the company to grow with the correct culture. Used Azure DevOps to implement continuous deployment and integration to automate build, test and release projects.
  • Developed several Shopify Apps, including an app to allow customers to checkout using a new finance provider, circumventing the conventional checkout process.
Symphony Thumbnail

Symphony RetailAI

Software Developer

Symphony RetailAI is a fast moving consumer goods business with a focus on technology. As a developer I was responsible for creating programs to help retailers and manufacturers increase their revenue through data driven analysis.

  • Project leader for a program that analyses nationwide product distributions, and is currently being used by 2 international clients. Improved the usability of the application and implemented solutions to meet customer needs.
  • Implemented database structuring and optimisation techniques to make the applications run as quickly and faultlessly as possible.


Sport Thumbnail


Regularly play football, squash, badminton and table tennis.
Sport Media
Language Thumbnail


Currently learning Korean.
Language Media
Music Thumbnail


Play the guitar, bass guitar and drums.
Music Media